Who is Andrew Van Wey?

Author. Recovering Educator. Expat. Mountain Biker. Hunter of Rare Fountain Pens. Roller of Twenty-Sided Dice. Doggie Dad.

Growing up, I was the kid that always had my nose in a few books I shouldn't have. I reached for Stephen King and Clive Barker at a young age, and watched Re-Animator far too early. I spent most of my childhood chasing nightmares.

Now, I get to share them with you!

Formal Bio

Andrew Van Wey was born in the San Francisco Bay Area, spent his high school years in New England, and lived as an expatriate abroad for nearly a decade.

His debut novel, Forsaken, has been downloaded 95,000 times (and counting), and undergone film development at multiple production companies. His travel narrative of esports in Korea, Keyboard Dreams, won a Lowell Thomas award, the highest honor in the field. His short fiction has been featured in eFiction Magazine and Lamp Light.

Andrew is passionate about literacy, education, and cutting edge pedagogies. He holds a B.A. in Screenwriting and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. Prior to writing full time, he taught for over a decade.

Currently, he lives in Northern California with his wife and their Old English Sheepdog, Arthas.

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